So what next for this stand-up comedians lighted hearted blog posts? A post about the Rotherham recent child abuse scandal? Well, that is bound to be a wheeze. Ho, ho, ho, strap in comedy lovers...
Well, maybe not. Yes, I am covering that subject, but I must admit that a report uncovering the sexual exploitation and abuse of over 1400 children in Rotheram isn't exactly a giggle fest. Still, as with any major news story, there are plenty of contradictions at play.
First was watching the BBC news two mornings ago which included an interview with the group "Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation". It twisted my mind as to why such a group existed. After all, who would be against that group?
The other issue is the groups name. Why "parents" against child sexual exploitation and not just "people"? I don't have children myself, but does that mean they think I would be in some way neutral on the issue? Would I be expected to complain to the BBC, demanding to know why they hadn't invited on a pro-paedophile spokesperson to provide balance? No, I will be happily maintaining my license fee payments for the foreseeable future.
Of course a big issue with this case is the impact of race and racism, as the perpetrators here were mostly men from a Pakistani background. With the ongoing rumblings of Investigation Yewtree turning up historical abuse cases involving mostly white male celebrities, you might be fooled in to thinking that overall race isn't really a factor. But that's not going to hold the right wing press back.
Reading The Sun on Thursday, unsurprisingly, warmed my urine to a rolling boil. A particular highlight being columnist Trevor Kavanagh's take on the issue, where he blames:
'mostly white, mostly Labour politicians and police... (who) represent a political class, backed by the BBC, who waved in millions of migrants during 13 years of Labour government under the discredited flag of multiculturalism. Their avowed objective was to change the face of Britain which they deemed to be "too white"'
Of course!! How stupid of me not to realise that the problem all along was caused by Labour, the BBC and multiculturalism! Case solved, thanks Trev.
Aside from rantings by columnists such as Kavangh, the general argument is that the police in Rotherham, backed by Labour, didn't investigate the claims out of a fear of being seen as racist. It would be easy to write off this argument as barking mad, because it is. For a start, the police not wanting to be racist??? My, my, how times change.
Scarily though, you cannot just ignore this argument, because it is one that is seated well and truly in the mainstream. The Sun are not alone in turning this horrific story about child abuse in to one for their own agenda attacking Labour and multiculturalism.
In reality, the real problem in this case is precisely the same problem as there was in the case against Jimmy Saville. Victims and their families were blamed for the abuse, and ignored.
Police in Rotherham ignored the complaints because they saw the girls as complicit in their own abuse. "If you hang around with that kind of crowd, what do you expect to happen", was their position. In reality, where girls in any way "chose" to spend time with their abusers, that was as a result of grooming. That's how it works, and that is why there is an age of consent. They are children, not consenting adults, and they need protecting.
Perhaps there is some cultural aspect as to why a minority of Pakistani men thought it was acceptable to abuse young girls (and not exclusively white girls either, like the media often suggests). But then, there is a cultural explanation as to why older white celebrities thought it was ok to do exactly the same.
As much as I mocked the name of "Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation" before, one thing you can say is that they don't make any issue of race. They, and anyone who is genuinely concerned with helping put a stop to child abuse in this way, say that the real issue is to put a stop to victim blaming, and for the police to take complaints seriously.
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